Bubble Wrap

Who loves bubble wrap?

I see that there are many hands up at the moment along with cries of "ME! ME! ME! I LOVE BUBBLE WRAP!" Or maybe that is just me, but still, my point is: Why is bubble wrap so god-damn enjoyable to pop?

I was thinking about this as i had a sit and think. I was popping the bubble wrap that was on my bedroom floor a few hours ago, and it was just so entertaining. Of course, i couldn't think of anything else at the time - because popping bubble wrap takes alot of consentration - so i finally thought about it while i was on the toilet. Thinking: why do so many people love to pop bubble wrap?

Is it because bubble is a funny word and when it's combined with wrap, people think there is a wrap with bubbles on it, so they get very angry when they realise that it's not a wrap so they take their anger out on the bubbles? Or is it because of the sound the bubble wrap makes when you pop it that reminds you of popping pimples?? Whatever the reason is, i know this: It seems to have an odd possessive power over immature humans who are entertained by the smallest of things. Like me.

Does anyone even know who invented bubble wrap? Their names were Marc Chavannes and his partner Alfred W. Fielding, and they invented Bubble Wrap back in 1957. Little did they know that they just invented the most amusing way to pop bubbles that the whole world loves.

That would be something i would like to do before i die. I would love to be covered in bubble wrap from the neck down, and then roll down a hill. Now that's something to look forward to.
September 26th, 2009 at 07:09am