
I have a question to ask anyone willing to pay attention. Has our youth and ego corrupted us enough to make labels? emo goth prep loner geek nerd braniac band geeks? really? in my school im the emo gothic chick. i understand that because i dont talk to alot of people andi keep to myself, but how can i be emo? i dont cut, i just like the style, i do like dark things andi do listen to screamo. so im emo and gothic because i like music and darkthings? really? a prep is someone who is a tachers pet or a suck up, brainiacs get all a's band geeks wow. really we stooped that low? emo didnt mean what it does now a long time ago. Any one who makes labels ask your self this:::
Do i really care about whose feelings im hurting? do i rally care as long as i am making myself look good,
think about this: enev if it makes yu look good when your in middle school or high school, but what if your switching the roles in 20 years? the emos become the jocks and preps with everything. or the ones you picked on all through highschool killed themselves? think about it because it can happen it is a possibility that if your picking on someone who does cut, or someone who does get perfect grades. think that if one day they kill themselves it might be on you because of what you put htem through in highschool. im in 9th grade people a freshman in highschool and im already looking at the world from a different perspective.....isnt it time you did too?
September 26th, 2009 at 11:24pm