Is it just me, or do ALL guy friends seem overly protective?!

Ok, so on friday we were all taking pictures with random hot guys at the mall and we posted the pics on facebook.
Big whoop like we're ever going to see them again lol.
So anyways - all of a sudden my guy friends like ALL of them, Danny, Brett, Jorge, Sam, Ryan, ect.
All start spazzing on us being all, "OMG WHY'D YOU DO THAT THEY'RE GUNNA RAPE YOU LID!!! GAWD R U A IDIOT COLIE?!"
And me and my girl friends were all, "Not like we're ever going to meet them again o.o it was just a picture o.o"
Now they have forbidden me to ever go to the mall without one of them again xD Like THAT'S going to happen - it means they'll have to carry our things for us yaddy yadda yadda. :P
September 27th, 2009 at 12:22pm