Story updates and all that jazz

I am really surprised at the number of people who read my story "How to write a story on quizilla/mibba" as I just wrote it for a laugh. So thank you to everybody who did, and especially those who commented. Unfortunately my magical power of reaching through my laptop and into your brain to sense feelings has been shaky at best recently, so I love comments.
About my fanfic for 10 Things I Hate About You, I am really sorry. I finished writing it more than a week ago, but I sent it to my friend to edit it (the deal was the only way I would write it was if she edited it and sent me a cool drawing of the Joker). She has been really busy or quite possibly is ignoring me and my desperate need to have my story edited, so I will post it as soon as she sends it back to me, but it is out of my hands. So yeah
Umm I have a few stories I wrote for English I have been thinking about posting, which I might do tomorrow-ish or the next day or even possibly the day after that! They are probably craptastic like my other stuff as I get bored attempting to map out characters, plot, theme, boring stuff like that. So most of my characters don't have a name, identifying characteristics, development..basically if you saw them in a police lineup you would be thinking, "I have no clue who I'm looking for and no idea why I'm looking at a police lineup."
Well I'm going to watch cannibalistic creatures attempt to hide from each other.
Peace! I'm out like trout! ;)
September 29th, 2009 at 01:20am