You Me At Six?!

Hello! Its another one.

Who like You Me At Six I think I fell in love with them this past weekend. I love the lyrics, and the music. It just sort of its like calling my heart. Ya know? Well obiviously you don't cause y'all arent me. lol. . . But who else has listened to them?....and What is y'alls opinion of them? I think [as previously stated] are awesome....[not the exact words.]

But yea, I believe that they are from the European Area..I read an article in my newest AP Magazine on them...yup yup they are from Eurpoe [Just] does anyone know any other good rock bands from Europe?...besides Bring Me The Horizon..I'm not a huge fan of them...not that they aren't good, cause they are...just not my kind of music

Well Bye-Bye
September 29th, 2009 at 01:29am