I'm mainly going for the Horrors. Obviously. BUT of course Muse is a HUGE plus, and Dizzee Rascall will be massively fun if it doesn't clash with the Horrors' set.

Anyways! The point of this journal is that, this being my first time at the BDO, I have about 9487583475 questions. Anyone who's been before, I would appreciate your advice ever so much!

Question 1: What's the best way to buy tickets? I know you can buy them from the website nine hours before they go on sale at Ticketmaster, but I've heard horror stories of sites crashing because too many people were trying to buy all at the same time...but then nine hours is a long time, if I waited until the next morning would I still have a fair chance of getting a ticket?

Question 2: What time does it start? And would it be ridiculous for me to arrive like 4 hours in advance so I can get right up to the stage?

Question 3: Do I really need to bring a bag with me, or will I be fine with my phone, wallet and a bottle of water?

Question 4: I'd be going to the Melbourne date, so is it relatively easy to get to the racecourse from Flinders St Station?

Question 5: Do the smaller bands on the lineup tend to play a sideshow?

I know it's a little early, but I am MASSIVELY excited and I like to plan things in advance.

September 30th, 2009 at 02:20am