Guys Suck!!

Why is it that guys get all the breaks?!

Girls have so much more to deal with and it frikkin sucks.
Girls have to be the ones to give birth and go through so much pain in the process.
Girls have to wear shirts.
Girls have periods.
Most girls worry about their looks and wear make-up and dresses to look good while all guys have to do is throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and they look fine. They don't even have to brush their hair sometimes. How unfair is that?
Guys can be as horny as they want because.. their guys! But when a girl starts to get horny, she's considered a slut, whore, or a prostitute.
Girls are constantly being sexually assaulted and harrassed and don't go as far in the world because of sexist pigs(otherwise known as men).
When girls first have sex, it hurts in the process and for guys, they don't care because they don't feel the pain.
Girls are constantly doing horrible things to themselves like not eating because of their low self-esteem.
Girls are underestimated when it comes to strength and sports.
Even though it hurts when you kick a guy in the balls, it hurts girls to kick them there as well and it hurts to kick them in the chest too, unlike guys.

Just thought I'd share my hatred for the harsh life that us girls have to live with.
September 30th, 2009 at 11:55pm