Everything is on pause for now...

Hey everyone,

Thanks for your support. I love that people actually want to read my stories, and want updates. It's such great motivation. Unfortunately, college is really killing me right now.

I'm in two intensive writing courses, Business Communications, and an English class. Both of these classes require many hours of studying and many hours of editing awful drafts. I have to write many different things for both of these courses and I just have no desire to continue writing my stories after long days of studying.

On top of that I have a whacked out schedule, I go to school Monday thru Saturday! I hate it. The only day I have for me is Sunday, but on SUNDAY I have to go to church. So I'm just burned out. I've got lots of great ideas for future stories, and the more time I spend in school, the more I realize that I am going to strive to get published. Probably not in the Fiction genre, but in the the biographical genre. I see really interesting things all the time; furthermore, I think that I will probably end up writing a book on my college experience.

Back to topic though, I am really sorry to have to do this, but I'm putting everything on hiatus. I will be back in mid-November with lots of new material. I just need this time to focus on school, and if you like to procrastinate school work as well, I suggest you take this time to focus on academic career.

I love you all...I really do. Thanks again for your support...I will be back mid-november. So expect updates on the 15th!

Lots of Love,

October 1st, 2009 at 04:04am