Wanna know something?

yes, I deleted all of my journal entries, stories, and poetry.

wanna know why? because people piss me off. I'm really fucking sick of people reading my journals and stories (to which I SERIOUSLY AND FOR REAL) put real life stories into. I incorporate them and try to at least make the slightest difference in somebody's life.

but guess what, there's always some little douchebag that likes to just criticize it and call you fake.

I'm not fucking fake. I'm sick of people criticizing me. it's been happening everyday of my life, and it was old before it even started. I'm sick of being made fun of for my weight. yes, I'm fat. big fucking deal. I can also lift you up and throw you sixteen feet into a wall. let me tell you the things that bother me the most.

1. people think that they can read people and think that just because their problems are 'bigger' than yours, they're superior. there's no such think as big or small problems. different things affect different people. just because it's not a big deal to you doesn't mean it's not a big deal to somebody else.

2. homophobes. I'm getting really fucking tired of people (even TEACHERS FOR CHRISTS SAKE) insulting my girlfriend and I in the halls. we're lesbians, we love each other, and you're a jackass. deal with it.

3. calling minorities by their name. okay so, ask yourself this. a white, straight man comes up and pushes you. what do you say? you say "hey, that guy pushed me." now, what if a black man comes up to you and pushes you? you say "that BLACK guy pushed me." what if a gay man comes up and pushes you? you say "that FAGGOT pushed me." just because someone is of a minority, doesn't mean that they need to be reminded of their status everytime you see them. I'd like to be referred to as 'that girl' or preferably 'tina' rather than 'that lesbian'.

4. people who use gay as an insult. gay has been used in replace of 'stupid' for so long, and it needs to stop. stop saying 'that's so gay'. I literally punch/scream at people who do it, because it bothers me that much.

5. people who say they're bi or gay when truthfully, they aren't. I'm in no position to judge somebody's sexuality, but honestly, it takes longer than one day to learn that you're gay. people who randomly kiss somebody of the same sex and the next day oh god they're bi, I'm sorry, but I don't believe you. you're probably bicurious. which is okay, but it's not to be confused with bi or homosexuality. if you kiss somebody of the same sex and think you may be bi, stop and ask yourself this question- do I have the capabilities to LOVE someone of the same sex, or do I just want to try something new? also, all of the 'emo' kids who say they're bisexual. I'm sorry but, you're not bisexual. you're society conforming. stop trying to be what you think people will like.

6. the type of emo kids who clearly say that they're emo. yes, cutters exist. I used to be one. but guess what? nobody knew. the people who have screenames and shit that say XxEMOxCUTIExX are retarded. if someone is TRULY emo, they hide it. they don't broadcast it to the world. you know what, those people probably do cut themselves. but it's probably because they're looking for attention or they just need to keep up with the act they're putting on everyday. being a cutter isn't something to joke about.

7. people who make fun of other people in general. everybody knows somebody like this. the people who constantly make fun of somebody because they're overweight, or gay, or maybe just don't look the greatest. THESE PEOPLE KNOW THAT. THEY DON'T NEED YOU REMINDING THEM. people like this have made fun of me every day of my life, and it's getting old. especially the guys. yes, I know I'm fat, you've told me numerous times. yes, I know I'm gay, I kiss my girlfriend 4237048 times a day. so go ahead, call me a fat lesbian. guess what? this fat lesbian gets more pussy than you could ever dream of getting, so what does that say about you? hm?

I hate people sometimes. I wish I could just run off to an abandoned paradise with my girlfriend where I could constantly just walk around naked without being bothered.

comment if you feel me on this one.
October 2nd, 2009 at 01:57am