Can My Day Get Any ***ing Worse?!?!

Everything was going great.....

Until I hit eighth period. My friend Marquez, Whom I call Wiggles, hasn't been in school for a few days. Come to find out..... HE MOVED!

Do you know how upset I was?! I know it's stupid to over-react over that, but he could've at least told me.

That brought my amazing day to zero in a Milli-second.

He moved halfway across the state with out even a goodbye. I am crushed. Extremely crushed.

He was amazing! He always kept me in a good mood, when my morning started off bad. He was also Biggy Smalls last year at a dance :P

So how I am going to go on with out him, I will never know.

And the day just keeps getting worse....

So after that little information bit, I was supposed to find my friend Steff so we could go to the football game.

Did I find her?


So I was a idiot, and walked around the entire building looking for her.

Absolutely no fucking sign of her.


I was extremely pissed at myself, and the world.... For some reason.

So it was Marquez and then Steffi.

Then my Mother....

So sitting at the kitchen table trying to do my homework through all the ruckus in my house, my Mom spills water all over my homework.Fucking Spaz

Of course she apologized, but my homework was ruined!

I worked long and hard on it. It spilled all over my notebook and textbook. So what did I do?

I cursed to myself mentally, and stormed upstairs with my things.

Yes, I over-react.

And to top it all off, I have a major head-ache.

Gee, how I lovebad days.

And that is how I spend my day today.

Whoopee Fucking Do.

October 2nd, 2009 at 02:12am