Please consider this as a memoir of my mind

ive just realised something... stereotypes are a load of rubbish... its not what you are but who you are as a person that defines you.... for all those who wallow in their own self vanity i bid you this.... take a step back from your life, look at the person that is hiding within the stereotype that youve followed for a number of years and ask yourself.... is this really what i am, just another copy of the person standing next to me or am i my own person... a person that can do anything they want to because they want to and not because someone told them thats what they should do....people should be individuals not clones, like today i saw two mates just walking down the road together in barking but they were wearing exactly the same clothing... why... why do people feel compelled to dress in the same clothing as their friends just for fashion or so they will be exepted... its pointless..... i dont mind if anyone writes back to this but it would be interesting to know your thoughts on it as this is my deepest ever post.... thanks
October 2nd, 2009 at 04:32am