Things i have learnt this week

There has been many things that i have learnt this week.

Firstly, i found out that Shakespeare really isn't that hard to read. I mean, dont get me wrong, i wouldn't go reading it all day every day, but i just think that if you concentrate really hard and have a little dictionary for some of the words down the bottom of the page, then it's pretty easy!

Secondly, i learnt that i shouldn't just waste my high school life. The year 12 graduation was on this week, and the whole school had to watch it. And what the captains said was, 'don't waste your high school life, because when you get out into the real world, everything will be different, and you'll be yearning the safe environment of your class mates and teachers.' I mean, yea, i won't be missing my teachers anytime after i graduate, but just the thought of leaving everyone that i have been stuck with for 6 years... it's weird... i wouldn't want it to end...

Thirdly, i realised i am shit scared about the future. I was talking to my friend who wants to be a doctor, and i always thought that she couldn't be a doctor because she says "ew" about everything. But as i asked her what sort of doctor she wanted to be, i could suddenly see a white coat on her, with a stethoscope around her neck. She will be a doctor, because she is so sure of herself. But me... i have no idea what i want to do, and if i did finally figure out what i want to do, then im not sure if i will go for it, because, again, i will be shit scared.

And Fourthly, i learnt that bad luck can come at the most unfortunate times. It was my brother and sisters birthday yesterday. Sister turning 21 and brother turning 19. But the crappy thing was, my sister was up early in the morning puking her guts up. She still went to work though, (she's a nurse) and the other nurses at the hospital put her in a bed and gave her all these shots to settle her tummy down. She came home early and slept for most of the day. And that night we couldn't have her birthday cake because she was still so tired and germy. What a 21st birthday gift!!!

On the other hand, my brother had a splash of good luck. Yes, he had to work all day, but when he got home, mum surprised him with the news that he could finally get his fixed car. And this time, when he brought it home, it didn't make a funny noise and breakdown. He let us all have a ride in it around the block, which he was very happy about.

Things seem to be looking up for my brother. He's got a car, he's got a girl, he's got a job. And i could say the same thing for my sister, who's got a new car, a boyfriend going on three years, and a job.

So looking at them, i thought, maybe i can overcome this fright about the future. They both have had alot of trauma in their life, and they have overcome it, and moved on with life. So can i do the same? Can i get a car? A job? A boyfriend? Can i ever trust anyone fully ever again?

Maybe i could, but there are things that can pull you down, and when those things want to hang on and never let you get up, you have to fight your hardest to not let them swallow you completely. Because you have to live life, not endure it.

So my sister will get better, and when she does, she will have the best 21st birthday bash anyone has ever seen. My whole family will be proud to call her my daughter, my neice, my grandaughter, my friend, my sister.
October 2nd, 2009 at 04:40am