
Mike went home that night to tell his wife what happened at work. "Honey!!!" he yelled, "you'll never believe what happened to me at work today....my father, my very own father called me son...do you know what that means to me?" "Thats great mike...Did you tell him about the baby yet?? What about dinner are they coming??" Alison said. " Yeah I told him and yes they are coming over for dinner." Mike said happily. That night his parents came over at 6:30. His mother helped alison in the kitchen beaming as they talked about the plans for the new baby. Mike and his father sat in the living room talking about the case. "Well son," his father started, "things are going to change around here for you and alison, your mother said that she would be able to help out any way she can at any time alison will need her because me and you will be super busy on the case ahead of us." "Thats great, i bet alison will really be greatful that mom will be able to help out and that she wont be all alone in this house either...Thanks dad." Mike said. The men went into the dining room as the women brought out the food. They talked and ate and talked somemore. His parents went home about 9:30 that night and Mike and Alison went up to bed. Mike couldnt even imagine what could be coming up next.
October 2nd, 2009 at 03:27pm