Should I?

Okay, so there is this guy. His name is not allowed to be spoken. I know, that sounds stupid, but it's true. Every time I speak his name, I feel like I'm giving in. So I call him he-who-must-not-be-named, the typical, you know, Voldemort. Ironic, 'cause his name starts with a V. Anyway, I went out with him, foolishly, after people told me what a terrible person he was. Too bad I didn't listen to the warnings. That would've helped a little. Or, a lot. No, I just kept on going thinking he was this wonderful caring adoring soul mate of mine, and we went out for like two months or so. I'm not quite sure; I don't like math so I'm not going to figure it out. ((Hehe, I'm in Alegbra 1 early)) Anyway, I'm going to skip through the relationship, because it was lame and we only ever saw each other at soccer practice and kissed once ((Which sucked, by the way. When your girlfriend kisses you, you're supposed to kiss back, duuuhhh)) But near the end, after I'd told him I was bi, I knew it was falling apart. He never talked to me, ignored my calls and texts, and never asked if I wanted to hang out. He barely ever told me he loved me, except like once a week. When his mom left the house. To get a wedding dress. WTF? ((Sorry. I gave in to chat speak Dx)) Anyway, he never talked about anything but other people. Like gossiping and such. Because that's how he rolls. And one day, on Facebook, he started to tell me he wanted to break up with me, mostly because I'm bi, but also because other people said "ewww" when he told them we were dating. Again, WTF? So I logged off, went to my room, and waited. One good thing about Voldemort; he is very gullible and easily feels horrible if he makes you cry. You don't even have to cry. You just have to say you are crying. It's hilarious. Anyway, he texts me five minutes later saying how sorry he is and that he loves me and never wants to leave me ever again. Pft, yeah right. Anyway, I believed him, sort of, and then went on with life. The next week on Tuesday, he dumped me by telling my friend he'd broken up with me on Facebook. Posting it on her wall. Where everyone could see it. Yeaaahhh...then my friend yelled at him and he messaged me telling me it's over because I cut myself. AGAIN, WTF? I hadn't even done that yet when I knew him. It was after this incident that that happened. Anywhozer, his mum got into stuff on Facebook, called the school, lied and said she'd talked to my mom and she was worried about me; it ended up that the counsler was checking my wrists. Ugh. So that's how it went down. It's like he doesn't have any say in his own life, because his mom told him to break up with me. Whatever. It took me two months to get over him. That makes like four months wasted on someone who's not even five feet tall. *sighs* I admit, I was the stupidest person last year. But anyway, he texted me one day, and I got over him just like that. I didn't even have to try. Now I have the most amazing boyfriend named Zach, who's name is allowed to be spoken. Hooray! And everybody hates Voldemort, because he made my friend cry in school. Well, some people like him, like his stupid girlfriend. Stupid as in crazily stupid for even thinking about liking him, not stupid as in I hate her there's no point in her living. She's actually kinda nice (: If she wasn't dating him I'd talk to her a lot. But it's just...kinda awkward. Anyway, I wanted to ask, for anyone who read this, do you think I should confront this girl and tell her how it really is? Or just leave her alone? I mean, I'm not really her close friend, but I care about her feelings. I know she'll get hurt, and I don't want her to. I want to make sure she's okay. The thing is, I know she probably won't listen, because that's how I was when I was dating him, and that's how everyone else was when they dated him too. I suppose you just think nobody really knows how it is, but they do, and you're just being stupid and unwise about every discision (sp?) you make because he's in your life? I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he really does care about her, and he's a genuine guy now. But...I just don't think so. And yet, who really knows? I don't want to make the wrong discision (sp??) again. I just want to know; should I or should I not talk sense into this girl's brain? Please comment with answers and opinions *puppy dog eyes*
October 3rd, 2009 at 04:09am