Feeling a bit...weird?

Hey! How's everybody?!

Viv's pretty good over here!

First, I really wanted to say "HAPPY WEDDING" my dear cousin xD!
(who is getting married tomorz!)

But I'm not feeling that great....

It's just that...Just for the big day, I brought over some clothes which I bought in Aus, to HK, and then NOBODY LIKED THEM. LITERALLY.

I mean, if you don't like my style, and think I won't look good in the clothes I chose, YES, you should totally open up and tell me right away. So that I could make some adjustment on the garments are mix and match a bit better.

But keep on critisizing NEVER HELPS.

Why don't you just accept that this is how I look, and this is the best I could do in looking for clothes for the wedding?

It's not that easy to get clothes that suit you perfectly easily!

I tried my BEST to get clothes that suit my age.
(It's just that I could never find stuff that suit my age without looking "trying to be cute" or sophisticated. This is just how I am. Looking way too old for my age, being way too young to actually wear clothes that suit my face. Hope this makes sense.)

Besides, there's nothing to do with you whatsoever if I look a bit bad. I mean, you wouldn't exactly have to introduce me to everybody that comes to the wedding!
I know how you want everything to be perfect coz it's such a big day...and important as well...it's just that...I'm just a spot in the picture, I don't matter! I'm not important at all! It's not like I'ver ever been exactly important to you anyways! Seldom talk, seldom communicate...don't even know your Facebook username, nor do I have your email....!

This entry is just like a complaint, or something that I want to say to those who hated how I look and what I wear.
Sorry for the babbling. It's not good/rational/polite to look sad in the home which the princess is going to be engaged with one of the most joyful moment of her life. but I really need somewhere to spill my thoughts out, and...I know this whole entry DOES NOT MAKE SENSE AT ALL.

Sorry again.

Good night. (I'm typing this entry at night...at the edge of falling asleep....zzzzz....xD)

October 3rd, 2009 at 05:44pm