"my mind is filled with jack barakat and kitties"--my Saturday night

hello. my name is Pura.

i like cats, jack barakat, British slang, YOU, jaegermeister (never actually had it.. I'm not a bad kid, i swear!), and um... fun stuff?


YOU can do so by: talking to me, writing me a story, writing me a poem, READING MY STORY, commenting on my story, commenting on this, and any other creative things YOU can think of.

my friend is currently out of the room. I'm just sitting here, being real cool. cause if YOU haven't noticed I'm the business. oh snap. shes back....

like the title said it's saturday night. I spent it PARTYING. wait...no i didn't. I actually spent it at the mall trying on stupid dresses, one that included a princess costume. the dressing room lady goes "when you try that on, can you please come out?" it was great.

i ate chinese food tonight.
which automatically means...it was a great night.

i really want sugar cookies but i don't know how to satisfy my craving since its 11:42pm...

ok bye <3
p.s. it's okay to comment you know!!!
October 4th, 2009 at 05:43am