Interview with the Vampire

I'm sure everyone's seen a movie/finished a book that made them flip out from the amazingness at the end, yes?

I just finished "Interview with the Vampire" (the book) this afternoon, and about five seconds ago I finished the movie. AND OH MY GOD they were both amazing. I seriously started flipping out at the end of the movie. I totally didn't see it coming. But it was awesome. I would be using more capitals in this journal but I'd probably get banned for spam if I'm not going to be already for posting this journal. xD I did the same after reading Watchmen- I couldn't stop flipping out due to the insane amounts of AWESOME.

(I'm using the words awesome and amazing too much in this journal- note to self, buy a thesaurus.)

Also, when I was about halfway in to the book, Interview with the Vampire, I was befuddled as to why everyone seems to think Lestat was so hot/fabulous/etc. I thought he was just an asshole.

After watching the movie, I am now a convert to the Lestat religion. xD Now he's a sexy asshole. x] I think I have this subconscious thing where I think Tom Cruise is hot (in his older movies, not now... o.0) because Deadpool had his face for a short time when Loki transformed his face and...
*cough* ...It's a comic book thing.

Question of the day: What's YOUR orgasmic movie? (xD)
October 4th, 2009 at 09:04am