Which do you prefer: Fanfiction or Original Fiction?

I guess you could consider me a bisexual when it comes to this. I like both, but I lean more towards fanfiction. Not sure why. I just like it better.


You already know what the character looks like. You know a lot about their personality (unless the author's version of them is completely different), and they're not like meeting a new person, a stranger. It's just a bit more comfortable. And the author doesn't have to explain their eye color, hair, etc. I find that fanfiction is easier to get into.

Cons: You can't really come up with your own image of them. Some people like that, some don't. For me, I like knowing exactly what they look like. I just get better images in my head when I know that. And some people don't like certain couples together. For example: Some people hate Frerards (Frank Iero and Gerard Way). And a lot of the time in fanfiction you're sort of limited to things. You can't pick a name for them, or anything... And I've noticed fanfiction tends to be...more crappy quality. Sorry, but it's true. There is definetley some amazing fanfiction out there, but a lot of the time it's just really horribly written. Like my story, for example.

Original Fiction:

You get to create your own little person. You can control absolutely anything about them, which is really cool. It makes the author look a little more...creative, I suppose. It's...well, original. You don't have to do the stupid little disclaimer thingy at the bottom.

Cons: I find it hard to understand original characters, a lot of the time (not all of the time). Usually this is because that it's not well-written. They're completely new to me, and I just don't know who they are. Most of the time it's really awkward in stories, I think, because the author either tries too hard to explain them, or not hard enough. In original fiction I just can't keep interested as much as I can with fanfiction. It's weird, but that's probably just me. Oh, and another thing, original fiction almost always has stupid, outrageous, pathetic looking scene kids as the characters.

What do you think?
October 4th, 2009 at 10:57pm