After all, you're my wonderwall...

Hey guys. I'm pretty new to Mibba, and I like it so far! ^_^ lol. At the moment, I'm supposed to be studying for my 9 weeks test. I'M A SENIOR!! WHAT WHAT? xD You should read my story 'Pieces of me' on ficwad, its Majorly EPIC. Well...maybe not THAT epic, but it's pretty good in my opinion. Question, though. How do you change your background on here? I can't figure it out. I really, really want to watch the new Shane Dawson video on youtube...xD I know, I'm really random. I've been told. LOL. Listening to Wilco right nao. Love them to death! <3 Yeah, i see that it says you need to "Put effort into your journals", but I don't wanna. :P~ Anyways...Um...I guess that's about it!

Question #1:

What's your favorite band/song/album at the moment?
October 5th, 2009 at 01:15am