Best Friends

What is a best friend?

People have many definitions of what a best friend is to them. Unfortunatly... I've had so many users and idiots that have entered my life... I can't really trust people much.
It's only if they seem nice and they generally care about me. That's when I know I can tell them pretty much everything even if I don't know them that well.

This is what I think a best friend should be for me.

Someone that sticks with you throught any problem or task you get into.
Someone you can rely on through thick and thin.
Someone that sticks up for you if you get bullied or end up in an arguement.
Someone that likes and accepts you for you.
Someone who is not fake.
Someone who doesn't lie( a little white lie is acceptable)
Someone that doesn't bully you.
Someone who doesn't spread rumours.
Someone you can tell anything to and they won't go blabbing to everyone else.
Someone you can tell secrets too and they will keep them.
Someone that you talk to everyday, see everyday, text everyday etc.
Someone that you can trust.
Trust is always important. If I can't trust someone, or they go or say things against me... then I won't want anything more to do with them.

That is my version of what a best friend should be for me.
Anymore you would like to add.
Just comment :)
October 5th, 2009 at 01:13pm