Book Recommendations?


Okayyyyy so I'm a 15 yr old girl I like fantasy, "gothic", NOT Historical OR Mystery, uhm I like tragic and stuff too, a lot of coming of age stories (ha ha those are like soooo common) that kina stuff.
Lexile: 1,780 (or something like that o.e i forgot what it is exactly)
I perfer if the books have at least 200 pages....

BUT FOR SOME REASON I FAIL AT FINDING BOOKS! So if you have any goof books that you've read I wanna know! :D
I've read like 75% of the books in my school like 20%of the public library's books... and im limited on money right now so i dont want to go out and buy random books hoping they're good although it's worked for me before... yeah...soooooooo...

any suggestions at all would be terrific xP
October 5th, 2009 at 11:24pm