Fat People.

For those of you who have read some of my journals (before I deleted them out of frustration and anger at the rest of the human race, whoops.), you may have noticed that I'm criticizing people a lot. Yes, I do criticize. But I criticize the BAD people, the TRULY BAD PEOPLE of this world. Yes, it is my opinion on what is bad and what is good, but I don't think something should be called an opinion if you say something that deeply and honestly hurts somebody. Not offend, necessarily. Almost anything everybody says is offensive to SOMEBODY. But when it actually hurts somebody, that's when I step in and defend them. NOBODY deserves to be hurt, even if they are hurting others. They just need to be taught the right way.

I also express my annoyances with the human race on here, too, but that's also only out of frustration.

But rest assured, I do not hate everybody. Quite the opposite. I like a lot of people, I like talking and meeting new people.

Anyway. This one's about the people who criticize fat people.

I don't care if you're in a public place. Raise your hand right now if you're fat.

I just raised my hand. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm fat. STOP THE PRESSES. My name is Tina, I'm 5'6", and last time I checked (about a month ago) approximately 180 pounds. My jean size is a size 11, and when I look for shirts I look for larges (or medium, depending on the shirt style, but typically large.). I'm not going to play you guys, I'm going to be straight up. I think a lot of people should be open about it. I just looked up a BMI thing and it says that my BMI is approximately 26.4 (I can't remember, I just closed the window and forgot, whoops.), placing me in the 'overweight' section for 15 year old girls. May I first specify that these online ones are not very accurate, since I have a high muscle content. If I wanted a real test, I'd go to the doctor so they could actually calculate my fat percentage.

Anyway, my point is, I DON'T CARE. Granted, I have been VERY insecure about my body at times, but I got over it. Countless people have made fun of me for it, even people I was close to, family and friends. I don't have the ideal build. I'm tall, broad shouldered, big hands, big feet, very muscular, and I've got my meat on my stomach and thighs. I'm not some random feminist who grabs myself and says 'I'M FAT AND I'M PROUD!!', but I am a random girl who says 'I see the true value in people. And that's all I need.' I'd love to lose some weight, not only for my self-image, but for my general health. Being overweight is traumatic to your health.

I also understand those of you who are trying to lose weight, but failing. I understand food is an addiction, a nervous habit. I do. When I'm worked up about something, when I'm bored, I eat. I've always been heavy, since I was a kid. I've always tried to lose weight. Not much worked for me. So I just kinda did whatever. Participated in gym a little more. Next thing I knew, I lost twenty pounds.

Be proud of who you are. If you are fat, or think you're fat, don't think that you won't ever get a mate because of it. Look at me, I've got an amazing girl who loves me for me. Now, tell me if you feel me on this one- weight discrimination has become an increasing source of hate.

To date, there are NO federal laws outlawing discrimination towards a person because of their size. There are laws specifying hate crimes against race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. But none against weight, and I personally think it's becoming an epidemic. More and more people are becoming overweight, and yes, it's horrifying, but you know what? Do you honestly think they don't know that they're a little on the heavy side? Do you think they own a magical mirror that masks their impurities? NO. THEY KNOW. They pretty much know every second of their lives. Do you REALLY need to remind them? Because that's all you're doing whenever you make fun of them. Reminding them that they're not perfect, bringing up all of the pain they choke down. It's sad that people do this, and honestly, it's only the stupid people that do. I honestly hope that any of you who have ever made fun of somebody for an unjust reason feels horrible about yourself right now, because guess what, that person really did not need that. It disgusts me that humans can do that to other humans.

That's my views on being overweight. Just please, don't make fun of a person for it. Don't degrade somebody to get recognition in general. It's just. disgraceful.

(end rant.)
October 6th, 2009 at 12:52am