People who 'support' homosexuality.

Note to self: write more journals criticizing the scum of humanity.


Have you ever met a (straight) person who "supports homosexuality 100%", but later contradicts themself?

This happened today in my math class. This guy named Pat, who has repeatedly expressed to me that he supports homosexuality, that there's nothing wrong with it, that it's okay because his best friend is gay. He says all of this stuff, yet uses the word 'faggot'.

For those of you who don't know, using gay as an insult bothers me VERY MUCH. Not only because I am gay, but just because it's degrading to a group of people. It could be addressed to any group, and it'd still bother me. When people say 'faggot' or 'that's so gay' it just. Bothers me.

If somebody says they support being gay, but yells "I'm no faggot!", let me tell you something. They don't support homosexuality. Because they're still degrading them. I understand that using gay in place of stupid has been happening for so long, but honestly, it's not that hard to change one word in your vocabulary. And just. faggot is horrible. It's a horrible word. Don't get me wrong, I've used it, and I don't like the fact that I did.

People who say they're okay with being gay, but then turn around and say stuff like this, they don't support it. And let me give you my opinion on why. I think it's because they really aren't okay with homosexuality, so they find some random gay person, befriend them, and use them as a cover. 'NO I'M NOT A HOMOPHOBE, MY BEST FRIEND LEO IS GAY!!!!' Easy. Either that, or they're just straight up ignorant. Stupid. Which is also a plausible answer.
October 6th, 2009 at 01:03am