MB3 Green Monsters, Skittles, and Carebear

You know those girls who get in silly fights with their best friend because of some hot guy, who is also a lame loser? I swore I would never be one of those girls. My best friends are more important than any guy. Right?

So, why do I find myself secretly plotting diferent ways to murder my best friend, Carebear? Why do I find myself crying my poor head off in the dark wishing to be her?
Why, why, WHY?!?

I've liked an old friend of mine since the begining if school. It's hard to explain, but I can't think of a single reason why I even like him. He's not even that cute (as if that even matters!) Yet, I still have butterflies whenever he is near. I still obsess over every conversation I have with him. Damn hormones.

The thing is, I keep comparing the way he acts towards me with the way he acts towards Carebear. When Skittles sees Carebear, he runs up to her and hugs her while yelling out, "My little Carebear!" When he sees me, he just smiles.

It's not even one of those smiles that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. It's more like, "Yeah, I see you, too".

I feel terrible! Why am I such a green monster!? Not only am I sad that Skittles doesn't like me the way I like him, but I am also really jealous of my best friend.

And Carebear doesn't even like Skittles
October 6th, 2009 at 04:21am