i think i lost a best friend.

ok. so jackie has been excluding me lately and i didnt like it. i started to cry on monday and two of my friends were like "r u ok?" and they were all nice about it. but jackie didnt even ask my why i was crying. wtf??? so anyway Lindy, one of my friends, was wondering what happened so she told me to write a note to her(BIG MISTAKE). so i did in 1 of my notebooks and i told her to give it to me tomorrow(because it was kinda long and i have to catch the bus so i'm one of the first kids outta school). so, she was about to put it in my locker when Ellen saw her and said she could give it to me(because she's my nieghbor). lindy gave it to her and told her not to look in it(another mistake). so, of course, Jackie and Ellen read it together after school. and now jackie won't talk to me. but the worst part is that online i was talking to her and i apolagized like 50 times(seriously) and she still doesnt accept them. shes like giving me the silent treatment at school and everyone else is following her lead so i pretty much have no one to talk to. i told her that i didnt mean for it to hurt her and i was over-reacting in the note but she wont listen. i hate myself for writing it, because i feel like I lost a best friend. my mom said that if Jackie doesnt accept my apologie and move on, then she's not a true friend(yes, my mom found me crying after school). but she is(or was) a true friend! and i hate it.

any suggestions to get us back together?(friend-wise)
May 24th, 2007 at 01:44am