Quick, Mibba! Answer the questions!

1) How many active stories do you have?

2) Do you have an updating order? If so, what is it?

3) How often do you update?

4) On average, without demanding comments, how many comments do you get per chapter?

5) After posting ten chapters, on average, how many stars does your story have?

6) What do you prefer reading? Fan-fiction or original fiction?

7) What do you prefer writing? Fan-fiction or original fiction?

8) Do your friends read your stories and have accounts? Do they write?

9) Do you prefer reading slash or hetero?

10) What's your biggest petpeave in custom layouts?

11) When searching for new stories, how do you find them? By stalking people profiles, going to the story section, how?

12) How many grammar/spelling errors can a person have and you still be able to read to story?

13) Do you participate in writing contests?

14) Do you visit the forums?

15) Do read the news articles?

16) What makes you choose to subscribe to a story?

17) Why do you read stories on here instead of books?

I just want to know.
October 7th, 2009 at 02:50am