Liars since the beginning of time

People are very unpredictable. One minute they adore you and hang on every word you say and then the next they turn their back and say hurtful things. So many people in this world are two-faced, backstabbing, liars that you really need to be careful about who you trust with your darkest secrets.

Take this scenario for example: you decide to tell your best friend, let’s call her Annie, your deepest, darkest secret. Never before have you told anyone that you still sleep with a nightlight. You know the one that is shaped like tweety bird? Oh and did I mention that you also still sleep with that baby blankie that your Grandma made for you when you were two. The one with little clowns and baby animals on it. Well you finally spill your guts to Annie. It has been four years since you guys met and throughout those four years you were able to keep these details under wraps but you are just tired of hiding it. You sit down with Annie and surprisingly she does not laugh at all and for that you are relieved. You tell her to pinky swear that she will not tell anyone about this and she pinky promises never to utter a word of it.

A week down the road you walk into class and you hear snickers coming from every mouth of every student in the room. You look around for who the victim of their actions is this time but you see no one that is NOT laughing or whispering and shooting you glances. Hm, weird but oh well. You sit down feeling slightly self conscious and pull out the required material. You never fully know what everyone is laughing about until that really hot boy that you have had a crush on for your whole two years of high school comes up to you and mentions something about little baby animals. Your cheeks flame red and your mind starts spinning. How could she! That lying, backstabber!

Now this scenario may seem bogus and completely unbelievable but does it get the point across? You see people, no matter how much you think that you know them, are still people. And since the beginning of time people have been liars. Take Adam and Eve in the Garden Of Eden for example. God told them specifically to not eat from the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. What does Eve go and do? She eats from it and then gives Adam a bite which he willingly takes. Now this act is surely just from the fact that one the Devil tempted them into trying something that was so delicious but secondly human nature comes tied with curiosity. Yet when their eyes were opened and they realized that they were naked they ran and hid from God. When God found them and asked about eating from the tree Adam blamed all on Eve and said that she had tricked him. Lie #1! Adam willingly took the fruit from the woman and ate it on his own.

Taking this into view I do not think that this will ever change. People will always be liars and you have to be careful with whom you trust your deep secrets with. And sometimes you may realize that the only people that you can ever trust are your family and God above.
October 7th, 2009 at 08:24pm