Effin Scams! I hate them all!

I'm sick of them all!

The majority of mibbians are probably in high school, or at least middle school. Me? I'm a college graduate. It makes me sound a lot smarter and mature than I really am, but since I've always been pretty mature I haven't changed much since high school. But as someone in search for a good job, or at least one that's full-time instead of the crappy part-time I have in freakin retail, I should warn you about most job offers today.

They're all scams.

Every seen a posting somewhere on a job that offers $20/hr or more even if you have no experience? It's a scam.

What about one that spends all their time telling you about the company instead of trying to get to know you? Yeah, a scam.

Or better yet, the job posting/employer talks about how successful the company is, how much money you'll make, etc. but yet never mentions the actual name of the company. You guessed it. Scam.

And if they talk about some kinda membership you gotta join or fee(s) you have to pay, run away as fast as you can because they're only there to rip you off. In other words: SCAM.

I've been through all of this in less than a year. More and more scams are coming up because of this recession. Nowadays, even if you have a degree the real jobs won't hire you because you don't have any experience. How can you get a job if you have no experience? How can you get experience if you can't get a job? it's such a contradiction. A person that recently graduated from college can't possibly have 2-3 years of professional experience in the field unless they have solid connections from the beginning or actually had the job prior to attending college.

I want the right job to come :( I wanna be an illustrator. I wanna draw graphic novels, design book covers, make graphics for fashion magazines, even design characters and costumes...I wanna do it all! But there's nothing out there! I'm tired of having a double digit in my checking account. I wanna buy food without feeling guilty that I'm spending money I don't have. And I don't want to get SCAMMED.

Wanna know how you can tell if a potential job is a scam or not? This is what I've noticed through expereince. If the job is real, it:

1- Won't tell you your income during an interview until you're hired.
2- Won't spend so much time marketing themselves.
3- Will actually interview you instead of "recruiting" potential employees (watch out for that word. "recruiting"=scam)
4- Is not willing to pay anyone that's inexperienced over $15/hr, even if they say something like "Will train!!"
5- Usually doesn't have exclamation points in the posting. "$25/hr! No experience necessary! Will train! Full-time job!" and so on.
6- Does not require any kind of fees or membership.

If I left anything out I'll go back and edit it. Don't be fooled! Don't let it get to you! Make sure to research a company offering a job just to be safe. It helps me every time. Any questions or comments, feel free to say them :) And if you need advice or anything like that, lemme know. Because sometimes a job can really seem legit, but then turn out to be a fraud.

What do you guys think? Has anyone else had a bad experience when trying to find a job, even if the job is just a temporary one? Please, share :D I like knowing that I'm not the only one struggling v.v
October 8th, 2009 at 05:56am