
I absolutely hate the emotion, jealousy. I hate the way it makes your insides turn, and I mostly hate when it makes you look like an ugly person. I hate it when I feel like the ugly side of a girl. You know, that part that makes you a bitch and it takes over and you can't control it? I don't want to turn into that, but I feel that I might soon.

I envy people who's parents are still together. I envy people who have another person that either cares for them or to care for. I envy people who get everything that they want and need. And I absolutely envy people who could live their lives and not have to worry about one little thing.

Envy and jealousy are the emotions that I hate to feel, but very frequently I do feel them. It's not pleasant, but for now I know how to control it. And, I hope, that I will never become a monster and have these feelings, of greed and envy, for a person that I truly care for.

P.S. Just so all of you know, this actually came out of my journal that I have.
October 10th, 2009 at 06:05am