I used to pray to recover you.

Ach, du.

It scares me and confuses me how quick everything you know can change.
Everything you'd least expect.

Death just takes people under, your emotions spin, your opinions change, your morals become ass backwards, you can break something unfixable, you can lose something and never find it again, you say things you can't take back..

People literally change in even a matter of a day. Right before your eyes.
Completely, like some sort of picture show.
Eventually you wake up, and everyone you know is a stranger.

I'm familiar with the concept of things I know becoming the opposite.
This is quite possibly the answer to all my problems. Why I don't attach myself to things, why I don't trust people properly, why I hate accepting new things, why I don't make plans, why I'm so convinced that everyone I know will let me down.
This makes you hard, it makes you emotionless. You won't even recognize yourself once the transformation starts to round its final course.

Maybe YOU are the stranger.

Jon and Kate Plus Eight.
It blows my mind how these two people loved eachother enough to have six beautiful children, and in a matter of months and a little tv airplay, they don't even love eachother anymore. Let alone know eachother. Their kids are objects of fame, jon's worried about how many ed hardy shirts he can fit into his suitcase for a trip to nowhere and kate's dancing horribly with the stars.. If they crossed paths in the future they probably wouldn't even share a glance.

How is that even possible?

Things like this. These are signs to never settle anywhere. We were made to metamorph, keep moving.

"Feet firmly planted in mid-air."
October 11th, 2009 at 09:56pm