What would you do if...

What would you do if I told you I was lesbian?

What would you do if one of my favorite songs is by a gay cross dresser?

Would you help me if I started cutting? Doing drugs? Drinking? Smoking? Had an addiction to sex?

Would you freak out if I cut my hair and started dressing like a guy?
If you caught me making out with a girl would you stop being my friend?

What would you do if I committed suicide?

What would you do if...
All of of these were true? Would you be a bitch about it? Or would you support me all the way no matter what? Pick me up from the ground when I fall?

I know so many assholes that would ditch their friends if they did drugs, started being a cross dresser, or were gay or lesbian. I live in mother fucking California. Support the cross dressers, support the gays and lesbians, bisexuals. Stop being bitches about it. Don't ditch your friends if they start abusing drugs, help them.


NOTE: Okay, if I offended anybody with this, I'm sorry. It's just that I needed to express my feelings. I know I probably sounded like a bitch in this. The reason I wrote this is because two of my best guy friends hate gays/cross dressers, and I just needed to express my feelings...
October 12th, 2009 at 03:58am