What would you change about yourself?

I keep seeing these stupid images of whitening for your teeth and I didn't realize how bad I want for my teeth to look white like snow. Damn me for smoking.

I'm not saying I have incredibly yellow teeth, I mean I do know what brushing is. :D But my teeth seem kinda dull; do you know what I mean?

So if I could change one thing about me it would be my teeth...

What would you guys change? And honestly if you go crazy and say all this stuff about your image you might want to talk to someone. Just because you're not the media's image of "beautiful" or "handsome" doesn't mean that you're not. Each and everyone of the people on this planet just so happen to be unique and beautiful in their own ways.

So my daily wish for you too do is: Walk up to your mirror and just tell yourself "I am unique and beautiful in my very own way. No one can look and act like me or have my special quirks. I am me. And no one can change that."

Thanks to all those who will actually do this. You make my day. And no matter what; you are amazing beyond belief.

Love always,
October 12th, 2009 at 08:32am