Hey..I need to talk to you guys

Ok..So I like A LOT of guys.But I want to choose only one..
I'm going to list them then the reasons I like them..I need you guys to help me to make sure I choose the right guy.. Please?? Thanks.

1.Kenzie-I've known him for 3 years..Kindell used to go out with him... We got closer as friends in the middle of 7th grade and now we're good friends... ALL of my "friends"(other than Kindell) like him or think he's cute... We have the weirdest relationship.. A love hate relationship.. I think he has the most cutest way to tell me things about other girls when he knows I don't care.I wanted to be "his girl" ever since I layed eyes on him.... Everyone says he's a totaljerk,but I think he's a total sweetheart.

2.Josh-I don't really have much to say about this guy.. he's just there and for some odd reason.. I REALLY like him..He can sing,he has a gorgeous smile.. Nothing else.

3.Quinton-I'm absolutely,terribly in love with this man.. For no apparent reason.... I don't no anything personal about him except that his last name is Glovin..hmm.. I need to get to know him more.

Can you guys help me with this situation??
October 14th, 2009 at 01:40am