He's really gone...

Losing someone sucks.

Sunday I lost a friend. RIP Collin Alexander. 10/11/09

He had been distant since his second surgery. Not saying much and he was a lot more moody. I understood of course, he had a lot on his mind, and he couldn’t remember me. He was my best friend, whether he remembered it or not. I still can’t believe this happened. Two people, it’s all their fault, how come people in this world have to be so selfish and greedy and ridiculous and stupid?! Why can’t they think of others? Why don’t they see they didn’t only hurt the person they aimed for, but the people that surrounded him. Two people took one persons life. Two people killed my friend. Two people murdered him. Two people don’t deserve my forgiveness. Two people will probably never get it. Two people need forgiveness, even if they don’t believe so. Can I forgive them for taking my friend? I don’t know. How do you forgive someone that has taken the life, of someone you saw as another brother? I miss him, I’m just glad I will be reunited with him in Heaven. When I go I shall see him. But he deserved better than to be murdered. He didn't deserve to die. He had already lost his daughter, Natalia, 9/2/09, then his Sister, Maya, Friend, Zion, and Cousin, Jake, 9/13/09. But no, someone had to get rid of him too. And now even though enough has happened, our best friend Kaige is killed as well. RIP Kaige, 10/31/09

The light will shine, and he will lead you home, for you are his child. He will guide and protect you, forever you shall shine with him, one day we shall see you again.
October 15th, 2009 at 06:15am