This is me

My name is Andrea Ramos. I am 23 years old & I have been through alot since Nov. 2007. I was in a horrible accident. Almost died that day. Thank God tho that I didnt . At some points tho I thought I might. I have the best family in the world. My parents are Laurie & Leo. I have one sister. Her name is Trina. She is the oldest & the best biggest sister in the entire wold. I dont know what I would do without her. My best friend Holly is an LPN. Ive known her for 9yrs. Yea, we are more like sisters than best friends. I have no boyfriend. Allthough I did for a while. He ment everything to me. But turned out to be a jerk just like all the rest.

Sometimes I wonder if my heart will ever heal from what hes done. Days the pain is worse then the rest. But that is life. You live, then you die. But you hope for the good stuff. I hope one day my "prince" comes for me. Until then I guess all I can do is live my life. So thats me. I will be sure to write more. For now this is it.


October 16th, 2009 at 03:40am