Favorite Quotes :)

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win" ~Unknown (Brittany)

“Where you live should no longer determine whether you live.” ~Bono

“It doesn’t matter how loud you Shout, You can’t drown out the Voice Of The People.” ~Unknown (Allison)

“You don’t throw something away just because it’s damaged or broken, everyone deserves another chance.” ~Seabiscut (movie)

“Snow and adolescence are the only problems that disappear if you ignore them long enough.” ~Unknown (Mrs. Pittman)

“Brittany! Brittany! Brittany! I’m a giant bug!” ~Allison
“AHHH the giant bug just knocked me off the Chair!!!!” ~Brittany
“I’m on a boat, I’m on a ship! The octopus can’t get me!” ~Allison
“NO, I sink your ship!” ~Brittany

‘First a deer now a turtle. Whatever shall we do with you? -Shakes head- tsk tsk.’ ~Collin

“Hey you two, no Koflufuling.” ~Kandi

“Making Melodies in My Heart… KANDI IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!” ~ Brittany (Me)

“I’ve always wanted to ride a cow.” ~Jackson Bailey

‘I melted peanut butter and chocolate and then mixed 'em together, then froze it, and now I'm eating it’ ~ Collin Alexander (RIP 10/11/09)

‘I hated learning how to speak French,
but after I did, it was pretty awesome cuz all my friends learned Spanish, so I confused them all the time’ ~Collin Alexander (RIP 10/11/09)

‘Ooooh guess what?! I finally got a Dr. Pepper!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ ~Collin Alexander (RIP 10/11/09)

‘Yeah, it is.
I'm almost five years older and can't write a good song, so don't feel bad if you can't.
Although both the ones you did where pretty good’ ~Collin Alexander (RIP 10/11/09)

Hey Collin, How do you pronounce Mibba? (italics is me)

-‘How do you not know how to pronounce it? It's simple. Mih-buh. ~Collin Alexander (RIP 10/11/09)’

Yeah, that’s what I said, but Becky says its Mee-buh.

-‘Like it matters? Just pick one’ ~Collin Alexander (RIP 10/11/09)

Well we cant decide! We’re having an argument, we need someone to settle it, how do you say it?

-‘I say the way I pronounce it. Mih-buh’ ~Collin Alexander (RIP 10/11/09)

(If you guys have any imput on the prunounciation of Mibba, lemme know!)
October 16th, 2009 at 05:48am