First Journal- 10/16/09 -Blood Drive

Wow Lols, hiya! This is my first journal... Yeah, I suppose I could use this for updates and stuff... Well anyway, I have a poster, study guide, and short story due on Monday so I don't think I'll be able to type up anything for chapter four of From the Eyes of a General so for those of you who have read it (Pffft... What, two maybe three people) and want to read more (but haven't subscribed, but hey? That's ok. I don't expect anyone to subscribe. Probably fairly boring now idk.. and there's like.. no chapters *sweatdrop*) I figured I'd put this up... Um... Oh, today, we were doing blood donations at school and you have to be 15 or 16 with parent's permission to get your blood drawn. I had mine set for the later time towards my last two classes.

When I get to the auxiliary gym (where they were going through the info and then drawing of blood etc.) I go to the wrong spot because I didn't know where to go and that was emberassing, but kinda funny so that was cool. Then I sat where I was supposed to when I'm told that the woman drawing blood for the fifteen year olds left. I don't understand why they couldn't use someone else, but apparently there was some kind of machine that she was using for something and when she left she turned it off? So yeah, that was like... Fifteen minutes of my life wasted and I had to go back to class and I didn't get to donate blood!! >_<

*sigh* ugh... and it was very hot going back and forth with all of my stuff... But then I had swim class last (Not on swim or water polo team, just needed a second year of P.E. but I am getting exercise and get to cool off with my friend ~cha xD). So... I think that's all the real important stuff... Peace out Mibbians!

~Cheep cheep ---<--@
October 17th, 2009 at 12:47am