White Demon Love Song

Today is a boring day.
I have a choir concert tommorrow. = /
But, that's not what I want to rant about.
I have a friend who likes to find out who her friends like, then go and flirt with them the next day. If you're reading this, don't comment and bitch me out, because I'm really not in the mood.
No matter how many times I confront her about it, she just gets really pissed off.

Seriously, high school changes EVERYTHING.
She was never like this before.
She has totally changed. You confront her about something, and she likes to bitch at you about it.
If I were going to put down all the ways she has changed, it would be a freakin novel.

What should I say to her to get her to realize that it's just not okay to do that to your friends?

Thanks for reading or commenting.
October 17th, 2009 at 09:42pm