Umm.... Idk... so don't ask

Well, to whoever is reading this... hi! :D

I'm incredibly tired, and really should be in bed... but its too far.. I've literally played my guitar all day today, and I am sooo proud... :D

Last night was Homecoming... We lost.. :( :P BUT! We lost to Canadians, who later showed up to the dance. Wait, let me rephrase that. HOTT Canadians... Who then danced with me and my friends. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't want to dance at first, but I had fun.

Then a Canadian asked me to dance. And it was super sweet. Oh, and this was my first dance, so it was great. So.... yeah... *yawwnnnn*

I wanna sing. So BAD. But I can't, because the younger one's are in bed. Smart thing too, since we have church tomorrow. I think I wont go... okay? Okay.

EEEEeeep! There is a frickin doll in my closet, and it scared me to death. Lol. :D Ahhh... yeah, I'm going to have to get rid of that thing. It's hecka creepy.

Okay, I'm going to put an end to this randomness... and.... go do something else... Yeah....

Peace out girl scout! :D

XOXOXOXOxoxox.. Britney ;D
October 18th, 2009 at 09:14am