
Hey dudes! Ready for my second entry? Not that exciting, i know, but i have nothing better to do! So, basically, the reason this is called November is because of the month, next month in the year right now, to be exact. Well, i have my GCSE mocks during this month, that should be a barrel of laughs, so it's going to be full of revision and diet coke. Lots and lots of it. friends have decided to twist it up a bit and be crazy and have signed up to do National Novel Writing Month.It does what it says on the tin: a month, where one must write a 175-page/ 50,000-word novel by midnight, November 30. Stupid, right? I mean, doing it during the mocks. Anyway, i don't know whether i should sign up. i don't think i will...but you guys should give it a go! Just type in "NaNoWriMo" into google to find out more.

Have fun!

Charlie xox
October 18th, 2009 at 01:56pm