Part 2 of This is so hilarious.

My friend is a Jovah's Witness (don't know if I spelled that right), and I have no problem with other people's religion(s).
But my mom is shoving it down my throat, because it isn't the first time we talked about religion. My mom didn't even come last night after she gave me the book, and I've been raising myself.
I learned about drugs, alcohol, sex, peer pressure (which I don't believe in because what you do is influenced by only you and it was your choice to give in to what other people were doing) violence, (I'm very violent), cursing (saying bad words), and all that other stuff.
For my entire life, my parents were always busy. I rarely ever saw them, and my sisters rebelled (don't know if I spelled that right) and I learned from them.
Not in the way you think, because I learned not to do that and not be that stupid. My sister got in trouble because she stole lip gloss from Rite Aid. I remember thinking, that she was so dumb, and if she really wanted to steal something, she should've stole something of value. Might as well the cash register.
I will never get caught stealing (I have stole before, from my sisters piggy bank when I was seven or something.) My other sister had dead beat boyfriends, again I learned from that. When it comes to guys, make sure you KNOW them first and make sure they won't make you grades go down from A's to F-.
I have tried on several occasions to explain my views on the world to my parents or to just my mom.
They really don't listen, and it sucks since I'm depressed. But I still haven't given up, it's just that my mom has to go to the lengths of buying me a book to open up to her, when she could have just asked me.
I like it when people are straight forward with me, and so far she's been evading me.
My last journal entry may have come offensive, but I hadn't intended it to be that way. I was in a sarcastic bitchy mood, and I was hungry.
October 18th, 2009 at 09:15pm