Gay ( being Judged)

It really annoys me when people judge me. Because first off im not even gay. I mean I justt have so much to say I don't know how to let it all out smoothly.

Well first of all if your gay it really shouldn't matter and people shouldn't really care it's not that big of a deal, it's not like your going to hell, and for people who say your going to hell well I wanna know who died and gave them athority to say what their judgement is going to be like, heck they'd be the ones going to hell, like the old bible quote says "Judge not, and you will not be judged. Condem not, and you will not be condemed"

Gah people are so close-minded these days

. Also guys call me gay becuase I hang aorund girls all the time....ok first off that is a sterotype and if they are a guy who has sleepovers with toher guys and hangs out with guys all the time...they have no right to say I LIKE GUYS!

Also most people at my school don't want to say it to my face, so they decided to go and spread rumors and talk about me behind my back, the least they could do is tell it to my face.

Another thing that boils my water, is that most of them say its a sin, but yet the morons can't prove it, actually no one can but the Lord himself.

It sucks that society always hates change and different people and to think racism is still around.

And what's the problem with other people being gay, is it gonna hurt you in anyway? So whats the problem?

Now I know this is kinda long and I still have a lot to say but oh well
but I wanna know what your opinions are, and if you wanna bash me, so be it. Story of my life.
October 19th, 2009 at 03:35am