Ok so as you all know, or well hopefully know, I've been writing a kick ass story, hopefully, and well I've become stuck. As in I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING!!! And my poor poor brain needs help. As you've read there's a part going on but I have no clue what to put in it. I have everything else after the party But I'm HAVING SUCH A HARD TIME! I'm ranting for a moment please bare with me. It's frustrating to know where the thing is heading but the party is keeping me stuck in place. I have no clue what should happen, where it should happen and how I should write it. I NEED HELP, there I said it. And it would be very much appreciated, so I could get the other chapters out, and then I could get you know this story finished. RAWR! GR! UGH AH! Anyways,
Help with this chapter would be nice, and if you haven't read the story yet go read and tell me what should happen because I'm so stuck it's worse then an elephant stuck in quick sand and cement and getting it out.
So please take pitty on this writer and HELP ME OUT! I beg you. From the bottom of my black heart would I love the help and appreciate it.

Much love from the Monkey,
October 19th, 2009 at 05:05am