Monday morning brain gook

Alright, good morning all, if its morning where you live! Here where I am, In southern Ontario, it is 6:12 am.I am enjoying my coffee and dreading going out into the cold to catch my bus.If you have been reading my work, you have probably figured out that I am more than just a little INSANE.To add to the list of proofs for that statement, I wake up at 5 am every morning, so I can get ready and catch a bus at 6:30, which will bring me downtown to where my second buss is.I will after completing that trip,arrive at school,AN HOUR AND A HALF EARLY!!!!Why you might ask, well, because other than the fact that I am nuts, i eat breakfast at school.I am really not a morning person, so this routine of mine causes some excessive bitchiness in the early hours of my day, which i counteract with CAFFEINE*Cue the Hallelujah chorus*Why am I telling you this,well, maybe in hopes that those of you who read this might relate, maybe just because I like to think that someone might care, and maybe just because I can.I would really love to say more, but I have 8 minutes before i need to be out of my door,TOODLES!!

Arriana Glory Lee-Page,halfway to to the nuthouse.
October 19th, 2009 at 12:26pm