First Journal. What about? Shizz.

Okay, so I am a pretty normal girl. I live in B.C, Canada and I love to ski in the winter (POWDER!!) and play soccer in the winter.
I am 19, and I’m currently living with my best-friend in the WORLD, Kyle. (He’s gay. We love each other to dead, but … well, not when he brings his “friends” home).
Okay. So I’m new to this Mibba world, but sue me. We all started some place, right?
Now don’t beat me up. All I’m saying is that… well,


Some of you may disagree, but coming from Face book, Twitter, MSN, Yahoo, (the “old school” ghetto talking sh!t,) this is awesome. Posting stories, talking ect ect.
I bow down to you, lord Mibba. Face book? SCREW THATT.
Comment if you hate my sense of thinking, will Ya?
October 20th, 2009 at 02:22am