Award for Being the Bestest, Kind of Loser-ish, and Weirdiest, but Unique Best Friend!

This one is for Kirk. From me and Ali. The title was given by Ali, and the content by me.

Content: You're weird... WE LOVE YOU FOR IT! You switch topics at random times and get in trouble by commenting on photographs of babies in the womb(which is actually how this award came about). Anywho, the purpose of this is to say that we're glad you're our friends even if you're slightly not normal. That's why we keep you around. Because with your semi-weird-ness you make us look a smidge more normal! Plus, if we got an out-and-out loon it would look like we were trying too hard. XD. So... (psssssssssssssssst! Ali!.... We have no trophy! DX) Uh.... Here's your certificate(?) of coolness from us. Happy.... YOU Day!
October 20th, 2009 at 04:29am