
Over the next few weeks at the office mike and his father had a ton of work and it was very rare for Mike and Alison to spend time together. Alison wasn't very happy about that but she knew that if she wanted him to be around when the baby came that she must deal with this for a few months. "Mike," his father said. " I need you to stay at work late tonight with me and help with the case again." "Dad," said mike gloomily, " I cant i promised Alison that we'd spend the night together. I haven't spent hardly anytime with her and shes not to happy about it." "Well we really do need you so just see if you can re-schedule for tomorrow night and let her know that i promise you will be home early." Dad said. "Okay," Mike said. "I'll give her a call right now." Mike went in his office and called Alison. "Hello?" Alison said. "Hi honey," Mike said in a whisper, " Umm dad needs me to stay late tonight to help work on the case." There was a long pause. "But he said that he'd make sure that i left early tomorrow that way we would have the whole weekend to ourselves." Mike added quickly. "Okay well get your work done and i will see you when you get home." Alison said. Mike did get right to work and got home as soon as he could. but when he got there alison was already asleep.
October 20th, 2009 at 05:49pm