I think he likes meh! <3

I wonder if hes does like me... he stares at me a lot... and he smiles at me too... ahhh his smile makes me melt! Why didn't I wave? Why? Because I am stupid!!! :( I watch him in class and he shies away when our eyes meet. Only two classes together... could have been three! ^-^ Ughhh I hate myself for not having more than a ten second conversation with him. Stupidd Vuu had to be in the way didn't you! Ahh I am so tired of pretending like I don't know his name. It makes me feel like poop! Lol Jennifer's binder! Poops for you Jen. ahhh poor.Lilly.sicky. not.no.more.
October 22nd, 2009 at 04:13am