Ahhh... Good Morning

I woke up about two hours ago, I couldn't sleep because I couldn't breath. It's awful being sick, because I start hyperventilating and I think I can't breath because my nose is all stuffed up... :P I hate flu season. :(

I'm getting my school work today though, so I won't be so behind. Cool, right? No... not so much, the last thing I want to do when I'm coughing up my vital organs is homework... blehh... But, oh well.. It must be done.

I should make my mom take me to Jamba Juice today, and get a coldbuster... That sounds amazing right now... :D I'll ask her... I doubt we'll go though.

She has a kidney stone, so Idk. I guess those are painful and stuff... but, ugh.... It just aggravates me because I'm sick too, you know? And she even said herself that it doesn't even hurt most of the time, but she's making me get stuff for her and watch Devin and Alannah (my three year old siblings)... :P It's pooooopy... I miss being a little kid, when I would get taken care of when I'm sick...

Okay, well, I'm going to end this journal entry...

Peace 'n Stuff

October 22nd, 2009 at 04:16pm