School getting HARD!!!!

Thursday October 22, 2009: Today i have to go to court house and take Pictures for my Latin Class :( only need bout 6 or something, and to top it off i have a debate to do regarding President Obama and his "Longer School Days" YA RIGHT!!!! i would hate to stay in school. my job starts at 3:30 that would screw everything up for me and teachers!!!! and to top that off even more i have a 2 page essay on "Dancing" its for KW P.E. Class. My teacher Taught me how to 2 Step. that was interesting. got to dance with this cute girl. but we both had FUN :)
After i get back from the Court house i need to go help mom with my sisters Parent Teacher Conferences... woohooo. and right after that i have to go to my High School... Kelly Walsh High School!!!! so cool. I passed all my classes in the 1st quarter of High School. that was fun...
See ya g2g back to work :(

Jordan Dudgeon
October 22nd, 2009 at 04:46pm